1.New features 1.1 RTMP server to push your streams with server key on selected chid (look in config page). 1.2 RTMP push to Youtube, Facebook , Twich or custom server (look in config page). 1.3 Bouquets for categories for fast add / edit users. 1.4 FFmpeg stats for channels in FFmpeg mode. 1.5 Switch button to show/hide errors on channels. 1.6 Search in EPG add. 1.7 Low latency flag in config for sync live stream on multiple stb on same channel. 1.8 Exclude/Include lo network interface from server traffic. 1.9 Switch button to show/hide errors on channels. 2.Server Log in Tools 2.1 Global User and Live channel activity in server log. 3.Stalker 3.1 TV Archive duration match to epg days in config. 3.2 TV Archive Continued on/off for stalker. 4.Users 4.1 Mass edit/delete in users section by Date, Reseller, Balancer. 5.Fixes 5.1 Fixes for red ban list (if user edit manually)
1.Security 1.1 New Section 'Protection', in Tools -> Security 1.2 Show duplicated user:pass for users ( stalker ). 1.3 Show Failed login atempts. 1.4 Geolocation access on server. 2.New Section 'Server Log' in Tools 2.1 Activity Logs from server are storred on every hour for 7 days. 3.Users 3.1 Last used IP address , shows user last login ip. 3.2 New Option 'is restreamer' , when is set allow this user to get access when server is 'ON' under attack mode.Although all security state on server. 3.3 Resellers now can get 'Trial Days' for his accounts , admin set how many. 3.4 Resellers now can add mag devices in their web by 'Pending' option. 4.Channel Editor 4.1 New Option to arrange channel order for stalker in 'ALL" section 5.Config 5.1 Geolocation set for access server, only enabled can access. 5.2 New Option 'Under Attack Mode'. If there's many failed login attempts by unknown IP addresses, they are denied for 1 hour and the "last used IP" filter is activated. 5.3.Stalker auto serial number for logins with mac:mac. This will get real serial number of device ( if there is any ) 5.4 Stalker portal 'Playback Limit' in hours on devices. 5.5 Stalker portal 'Order By', this set how channels are displaed in portal.
Completely Vod and Series rework. autoscan , autoadd , autosearch by omdb api. Just copy your files in vod server with following format.Corrected ffmpeg mode uptime. Corrected slave update. Server Tag now can be set. Exact version date is now displayed in user menu. Remote vod server now can be pointed to multiple location (by install /config file). Remote restart for vod server(s). Streaming on xtream official app working now. Host for reseller now can be set. Uptime for working channel(s). FFpreset set remains after stream mode change. User-agent fixes. Epg fixes. * Diferent ubuntu servers use diferent mysql versions ( 5.6 and 8) and your channels might be slightly reodered after update. Correction can be made by channel editor.Movies ├── Film (1990).mp4 ├── Film (1994).mp4 ├── Film (2008) │ └── Film.mkv
Series ├── Series (2010) │ │ ├── Some Special.mkv │ │ ├── Episode S00E01.mkv │ │ └── Episode S00E02.mkv │ ├── Season 01 │ │ ├── Episode S01E01-E02.mkv │ │ ├── Episode S01E03.mkv │ │ └── Episode S01E04.mkv │ └── Season 02 │ ├── Episode S02E01.mkv │ ├── Episode S02E02.mkv │ ├── Episode S02E03 Part 1.mkv │ └── Episode S02E03 Part 2.mkv
New remote Vod server to stream content from remote sources. Mass upload files by chosen vod server. Subcategories for vod and series now are global. Pin lock can be set in vod and series. Subadmin system, Admins for Live channels, Vod, Users, Reselers. Domain for resellers can be set. Various fixes and optimizations for: Epg, Ministra portal, Balancers, Categories and Resellers. Nice Restreamer now is system service,contolled by systemctl. New install method by version. * curl -s http://nice.minimal103.com/install2c.sh | bash -s 5.4.1 .
Balancer fixes. Hls input source handle improvements. You can now enter up to 60 allowed ip addresses for user. Sort options in Users. Country flags in user connections. Dvr/Api port cross compatibility xtream for various applications. Epg parsing fix. Offset for epg sources. Export for m3u in categories (you can manual edit and re import in categorie). If there is a logo link in m3u list will be imported for channel (categorie -> import_m3u ). Pending stalker stb in Security -> stalker ( unknown / expiried logins remains pending ).
Hls fixed (some streams have trouble starting). Please update if you experienced problems with hls input streams. * new installs and update allready include fixes.
Various fixed (memory , web interface , stalker, backup). Hls optimizations ( .ts segments by time , was by pts before ). Dvr can connect now Flussonic Dvr with auth (add ?token after dvr link ). * in Flussonic define ' http://restreamer:4002/nicetoken soft_limitation=true ' for backend. Pin code is now global [pinlock] ( can be set for any categorie ). Mysql host in config page ( mysql server connection can be remote ). Wapi aes key:iv now is autogenerated. New license manangement ( license now can be refreshed from panel,once is uploaded). Epg for channels now are keep up to 7 day , aka epg aggregator. * (generated file can be downloaded for remote use http://restreamer:4300/xml/user/pass/epg.xml). SSiptv M3u list generation have compatibility for SmartTV and applications ( timeshift,epg,catchup ). FFmpeg profiles updated ( fix for gpu profiles ). Xtream Api fixes to support more apps.
Introduce simple Loadbalancer model to restreamer , Master + Slave(s). * more to come in next releases All manangements remain on Master, slave(s) have auto sync in 60 seconds. Automatic ssh installation from web interface. * you need to know ssh details for slave server where you want to install. 2 basic modes GEO and Static. GEO balancing is Automatic ,depends on user location / slave server GEO set. Static mode force user to use specific slave. * set in user manangements. Vod /Series and DVR remain on master. Mode for Master or Slave can be set in Config page.Same Licensing model 1 license = 1 server is apply to every restreamer instance , master or slave. [+] Ministra portal now accesible also by address [+] /stalker_portal/c/ ; /stalker_portal/c ; /stalker_portal/c/index.thml ; /c/ ; /c [+] BG,GB,MK,RS,RU,TR portal language. * look in config page. [+] Import m3u in VOD. [+] Edit in VOD entryes. * vod manangement improvements. [+] Security improvements, number of concurrent connections allowed from one IP address to Web/Api ports. * look in config page. [+] Web interface style improvements. [+] Export in resellers was by ip address, now is m3u host. [+] Programming Loop in stat bar, values over 1000ms means that restreamer is overloaded with blocking tasks. * channel sources unavailable, network overloaded on restreamer ports(ddos) , slow i/o.
[+] Stalker modules can be enabled/disabled now in config. [+] TVIP api Ver.1 integration (port for api added in config/security/web/resellers). * middleware mode (without vod) , stb are available HERE [+] HLS streaming mode on api ports now can be enabled/disabled in config. [+] External Flussonic DVR now can be used in channels (tvip and stalker for now). [+] New HLS DVR mode for archive (compatible with old dvr ver.1 on same port). [+] DVR day(s) for archive set in config. [+] New security for restreamer (based on ipset). * if you update from 5.3.6 do 'apt install ipset -y' before. [+] All log files located in /nice/logs/ now. [+] Ram usage on server is more precise (exclude cached from server).
[+] M3u list download menu fix. [+] M3u list import improved. * broken/error entry in m3u list now are skipped. [+] Channel source parse exclude empty symbols. [+] More functions added in Web API. * check in FAQ section. [+] Channel add FFmpeg preset improvements. [+] Hls proxy mode fixes. [+] Change webuser and pass now is correct(no restart needed).
>[+] FFmpeg preset panel and transcoding profiles. >[+] EPG fixes. >[+] Ministra skins selection in config. * copy your favourite skin to /nice/plugins/c/template. [+] More functions added in Web API. * check in FAQ section. [+] Channel add improvements. [+] Export in users now generate list, direct download dropped. [+] DVR fixes. [+] Expander buffer improvements. [+] You can now set day(s) for autorestart in config. * cron restart dropped
[+] FFmpeg management fixes. [+] Nice Api fixes. [+] FFmpeg max mem now have set in MB in config. [+] Web socket for admin and reseller separated in Users connections. [+] Epg module now accept tvheadend generated .xml files.
[+] New Security Module. * Protection against brute force attacks malicious scan scripts. [+] Various ffmpeg handle fixes. [+] CSS fixes.
[+] Avalability on DVR servers in web menu. [+] DVR(catchup) and timeshift now is cross available to applications with xtream api <-> nice dvr/stalker dvr. [+] Diffrent Mag devices with same serial number,or devices that dont report serial number at all can connect to stalker/ministra portal with double mac entry to user:pass (mac:mac). [+] Favourites for channels in stalker portal. [+] Set default language and subtitles in stalker portal. * plugins folder will be updated, keep that in mind if you have custom styles for portal:) . [+] Global search in 'Home'. [+] Connections section reworked.
[+] Introduce Nice DVR beta ( read HERE ). [+] More advanced WAPI ( read HERE ). [+] Epg parser completly reworked. * users need to edit epg entry in channels. [+] Auto recordation Mysql version. * Mysql server from 8.x dont support password auth by default. [+] Stalker/Ministra portal updated to latest version 5.6.1. * Stalker/Ministra portal can be used in old fashion way 'http://host:stalker_port/stalker_portal/c'. [+] You can choose Stalker/Ministra default style in config. [+] VOD and Series are available in Stalker/Ministra. [+] String 'adult' in categorie name autolock by pin in live or vod. [+] Channel logos is now valid in all Api's. [+] Install Script now support Debian server 9 and 10.
[+] New Dark style in css. [+] Channel Editor completly reworked. * multiselect with drag and drop channels sort. [+] New manage Epg section. [+] Categories reworked. * reorder with drag and drop. [+] Channel stream type select more precise now. [+] Users control interface reworked. [+] Api Users expirie now is exact to DD:HH:MM:SS.
[+] Users expirie now is exact to DD:HH:MM:SS. [+] New better handling of mpegts and hls input streams. [+] Vod files with same name error uploading fixed. [+] FFmpeg dynamic mode fixed. [+] Graffics stat per channel fixed. [+] Restart of restreamer optimized. [+] In update section you now can restore to previous version.
[+] Errors from channel source are now after channel name with timestamp. [+] All imports/exports for restreamer have progress bar now. [+] Config page split by sections. [+] Active channel source (1/2) is switchable from web interface. [+] HLS input by fast copy and proxy mode. [+] Web socket are now more optimized. [+] HLS produce (make) optimized. [+] Fixed Invalid Characters in Epg XML (xciptv app epg guide was broken). [+] Database auto insert (if database not exist will be created on first start). [+] Update from now on can be done from web interface (Tools->Update Nice). [+] VOD and Series added with OMDB in Xtream API. * Api Key needed in config page *(OMDb API key).You can register your api key HERE
[+] Live stat per channel (click Stat button:). [+] Export for playlists more formats added.For details read HERE
[+] Demo License's auto activation enabled. * Nice re/restreamer start in demo/trial mode on first install.
[+] Selectable HLS segments location /ram or disk filesystem/. [+] Resellers add/edit date fix. [+] Fast Copy modes can parse now non standart/with token hls m3u8 links. [+] Epg Names in ssiptv list are epg source names not channels names. [+] FFmpeg Static build updated to 4.1.3. * thx to John VanSickle "https://www.johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/". [+] GeoIP in Users Connections. [+] HLS Proxy mode in channel preset (1:1 segment copy). [+] SSIPTV selectable export hls or mpegts list in dropdown menu per user. [fixed] Xtream API fix for various applicatioins.
[+] Еxternal Middleware Stalker Authorization (token). * you can connect Nice re/streamer with flussonic type autorization from original stalker/ministra. [+] Categories menu rework. * separated 1-10,11-20 and so on for better view. [+] Web socket speed optimized. [+] HLS code optimized. * you can 'cut' .ts from allmost any type of stream. [+] Multiple Ports for API's. * can be entered in config separately. [fixed] Various minor bugs fixed.
[+] View in Categories "All cat." can be selected. [+] IP address restriction in User Preset is active now. * if no valid ip address inserted restriction not work. [+] HLS buffers optimized for heavy (12mbit and up).ts chunks. [+] Header in Fast Copy Mode + HLS(make) extended (can be any type). [+] Header in Static Server include now allow-access-from domain="*". * hls streams can be accessed from web players now. [+] User Agent option added in config. [+] Active channel source moved next to channel name in web. [+] Database manangement optimized for max performance. * no empty sells left after delete/add of channels. [fixed] Various minor bugs fixed.
[+] Restreamer license now can be added from web interface. * if no license present will work in RED mode ! [+] Web api : Manage users via API. [+] Wapi aes keys for API calls in config. * check for more info our website Dev&How-to section. [+] Database bakup/restore reworked completly [+] User Connections method completly rewriten. * Kick in User Connections page now possible. [fixed] Mag Autorization method. * was possible just with capital letters for mac address. [fixed] Reseller module user date extension.
[+] https source for .ts and hls in fast copy mode now possible. [+] more clear details in console log. [+] .xz archive now possible for epg source. [+] check on every hour for memory leak in transcoded channels. * if ffmpeg proccess memory > 1024mb = restart channel. [+] usage page rework / new way to handle. [fixed] categories for user not displayed when 'movie' and 'radio' cat. missing.
[+] Option to REMOVE captcha in login page. * from configuration set Extended security . [+] better hls stability.
[+] New install,deinstall and update script. [+] Reseller options with credit system. * 1 month = 1 credit. [+] Web interface Captcha + secure login for user and reseller. [+] FFmpeg profiles for logo and delogo on channel. [+] New mode [static fast copy]. * stream is allways connected in this mode / no ffmpeg used. [+] new HLS module (external segmenter dropped). * Fast copy modes can produce HLS in static and dynamic mode now. * Any mime types can be handled in hls header.Better speed in dynamic fast copy [+] Traffic measure now is on all interfaces in system. [+] Logout in web :). [fixed] Number of User connection count.
[+] PIN lock code in config (stalker portal). * automatically locks cat. named Adult adult ADULT in stalker portal [+] Entry in log for the SN MAC IP logins of unauthorized attempts to stalker portal [+] nice api "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" * changes to the hls server header (for correct working with hls.js)
[+]HLS streams now possible to restream by [fast copy] mode [fixed] Channel editor reorder ussie . [fixed] various bugfixes.
[+]Console Log * note : tools->console log . * note : errors and problems reported to _err.log or _debug.log in /nice . [+]incorrect syntax check in main and back source. * note : errors reported to console log . [+]Interface rework. [fixed] various bugfixes.
[+]DataBase export/import in Web Interface. [+]EPG cross select in add/edit channels. * note : diffrent(cross categorie) source can be selected for channel. [+] Export from dropdown in user section put preffix for categorie. * example : cat:channel name in m3u export file. [+] Tooltip in config for easy setup [+] Connection section table can be arranged now. * note : set refresh to OFF. [+] HLS output for Api's can be selected * note : see Config page for details. [fixed] Various fixes....
[+]Channel Editor * note : mass reorder,move,change categorie and encoding profile . * note : press [power] button to apply changes after edit . [+] Icon link in siptv export. [+] FFmpeg filtering syntax parser. * note : in filtering body replace ',' whit '!' to keep correct syntax . [fixed] Various fixes....
[+] Encoding Preset in ADD channel. * note : Presets can be + in /nice/ffpresets.json file (examples included in file). * note : GPU encoding can be done if you have Video hardware + ffmpeg gpu support. [+] UDP streaming. * note : UDP group,interface and port set in web config aka ( udp://em1@ = ON ,if UDP group set empty = OFF). * note : Stream to UDP in channel config in [On Host] aka (udp:// ,if UDP set empty = OFF). [+] Debian pakage for Update. [fixed] EPG proccesing. [fixed] User and Categories whit empty value deadlock.
[+] PLEX Plugin for Nice API ! [+] New better EPG hadle. [fixed] Categories limitation per user. [fixed] Mag movie(vod). * note : You can update your restreamer by script
[+] NICE API ! * note : Port(default port 4002) for Nice Api is Stalker port + 1 ! [+] Free Android Client for Nice API ! * note: small size and fast operating ! [+] Free Windows Client for Nice API ! * note: based on SimpleTV [+] fast Search in clients area. [fixed] Export by link with empty/wrong user or password. [fixed] Mag Portal optimazed for faster loading.
[+] Stalker Portal ! * note : Port(default port 4001) for MAG portal is Xtream API port + 1 ! * note : username = serial number / password = mac address of your STB * note : 998 id in categories for movies, 999 for radio ! [+] Channel copy 1:1 "[dynamic] fast copy" for re/streaming channels.NO FFMEPG .! * note: Can be used to very fast source re/stream [ only http source working in this mode,no hls no rtmp sources] [+] Diffrent format EPG sources to categorie can be imported now. [+] Main(Home) page separated by categories. [+] Import in categories set default to " live " and " [dynamic] fast copy ". [+] Refresh can be set to custom value in Home. [fixed] Xtream Api 2 EPG. [fixed] HLS on dynamic mode removing files after stop. [fixed] Channel status on reconnect state. [fixed] HLS connection per user in "Connections" section. [fixed] M3u list export and limits per user.